The system toolbar is displayed below the system main menu, and lets you access common functions. At the top of individual windows you also see toolbar icons. A typical system toolbar configuration:
Icons that are grayed-out are not accessible at the current selection, those that are colored are active and available. In addition there are also Keyboard shortcuts to some of the functions accessible from the toolbar. Icons include:
Hide/Show explorer: Toggles between showing and hiding the Explorer section of the workspace. Hiding the Explorer maximizes the size of the Details pane, see Workspace for more. |
Refresh: Re-draws the Explorer tree with up-to-date information. |
Delete: Removes the currently selected item. |
New: Creates a new entity dependent on your current selection. For example if Users are selected in the Explorer tree, then this creates a New user. |
Logout: Logs the current user out of the system. A new user must enter their own login details. See Login/logout. |
Expand all / Collapse all: Expands or collapses all items in the tree under your current selection. This performs the same action as pressing + or - beside each item respectively. |
Cut, copy, paste: Cuts or copies items to the clipboard and pastes items from the clipboard to the Details pane. On Windows environments standard shortcuts Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V can also be used. Users, actions, data sources, scriptlets, and event specifiers can be cut, copied, and pasted between projects and hosts. When an element is copied and pasted a replica is created in the new position. Changing the copy of the action or data source does not alter the original. See Drag or copy and paste. |
Paste shortcut: Copies a shortcut to an action previously copied to the clipboard. For example a shortcut is pasted when an action is copied (i.e. assigned) to a host. In this case a new replica is not created. Altering the action on the host alters the original on the project. |
Properties: Brings up the properties screen for the current selection and allows access to view or alter user properties, action properties, data source properties, event properties, or host properties for example. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+P also performs this function. |
Execute: Executes an action from a project or host, or executes an activity from the Start node. See Action menu, Activity menu. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+E also performs this function, and it is also available from the file menu when an action is selected. |
Load definition: Lets you identify an action or data source definition file to load, i.e. import into a project, see Load/Save definitions |
Save definition: Lets you export a selected action or project data base to a definition file so that it can be saved and exported to some other system, see Load/Save definitions. |
Search: Lets you search throughout the system, see Search. |
Clear calculation: see Calculator overview |
View in File viewer: Use this icon to view the contents of the file after defining the file path, see Data source properties |
Save: Use this to save the currently selected record, see Save |
Help: Calls up a help topic on your current selection, see Getting help. |
Specific toolbars are discussed in Action menu, Data source menu, Host menu, Event menu
Related topics include Right-click menus, Main menu