
Access to the system may be controlled automatically by external authentication, or may be controlled by an application login screen, depending on your installation. Where automatic authentication is not used, a User name and Password must be entered and your entry determines your user status.

There are three types of users -  standard users can use the projects and hosts to which they are pre-assigned, while administrators and Super Users can create users, maintain their privileges and manage hosts and projects. Super Users have additional rights to administer the system and manage users, see Users overview for more.

To login to the system enter your details on the login window which may appear when you first access the system or choose Login from the File menu.

To logout of the system press the Logout icon Logout icon on the toolbar or choose Logout from the File menu. The workspace will remain open, but you will be required to login to open a new management console.

Related topics include Users overview, New user, User properties