User properties are defined when a new user is created and may viewed or altered later by a user with administrative privileges.
To view or alter properties,
select the user under in the Explorer tree, then right-click
and either choose Properties from the right-click menu or choose the Properties
from the toolbar.
You then see the Properties window for the selected user, whose name is
displayed in the window title bar:
Full name: The full user name as it appears in the Explorer tree and system logs.
User name: The name this user enters at login.
Password: Against an existing user, this box can be ticked to activate
the password fields to reset the password for that user:
Password: Carefully type in the new password for this user.
Repeat pwd:
Retype the login password to confirm your entry.
Privileges: Check the box 'Administrator' if this user will manage users, projects and hosts. Creating an administrator user confers rights to create, maintain and delete users, projects, hosts and JDBC drivers. Administrators however do not have all the privileges of the Super User as they cannot update the License Key or manage other Administrators, see Users overview for more details.
The icons at the top of the window, like those on the toolbar, let you Save the details entered or see the present Help topic for this window.
Related topics include Concepts overview, Users overview, Create user, Login/Logout.