Mapping overview

The Mapping tab from a Data transfer action properties screen lets you view or specify how source data is transformed into the target data source during a data transfer action (DTA). Mappings determine the relation between source and target by setting up relations between their entities and fields (tables and columns). Within the system mappings correspond to calculations for every target field that specifies how the data is created during a data transfer. However in using the system you do not require an in-depth knowledge of the structure of these data sources or the calculations defining a mapping. Mappings can be created simply by dragging across the screen. More complex relations and filtering can be created by using the system Calculator if required, which again can build up calculations by dragging and dropping. Note that it is often quicker to copy and alter an existing data source and change mapping relations rather than to define a new data source from scratch.  Here is an illustration of a Mapping screen:

            return {[source entity name]..[source field name]}

The keyword after return in this simple calculation, is the script definition of the data to be put into the target data field.

Related topics include Data transfers overview, Data transfer properties, Data source overview, Calculator properties, Grouping calculations, Example JDBC mapping