Data transfer action overview

Data transfers actions (DTAs) have particular importance in integration projects. These are actions that transform data from one structure to another. For example an order stored in one supplier’s database will usually be different to an order stored in another's, and a DTA will be required to share this information. A DTA is expressed in terms of a source and a target data source, taking data from the source and mapping it to the target data source. The system will even handle transfers between data sources on different hosts via the Remote data source service, see Services overview for more.

The system is designed to automatically handle complexities of data sources so that in-depth knowledge of the particular grouping or hierarchy structure is not required. Entities and fields from a source data source can be mapped to a target data source by simply using an intuitive graphical drag and drop Mapping window. See Data source definition and Data source structure for more discussion of entities and fields, but in brief these key concepts are as follows:

Select the Mapping tab card on the data transfer action properties screen and you can drag and drop from source to target fields and entities to define relations between the data sources, see Mapping for more. The system understands the difference between hierarchical and non-hierarchical data sources and even a modestly skilled user can quickly complete entity and field level mappings. More complex mappings can be created using Scriptlet actions based on the in-built Jython scripting language and the Calculator, to perform transformations, manipulations and data scrubbing as data is moved from one data source to another. In addition template functions allow complex transformations to be handled, such as combining fields, adding text to fields, key generation, reference to lookup tables and converting product codes, account numbers, or characters. Synchronization rules based on date or time stamps in the data source can also control whether updates or inserts occur, see the Calculator properties for more discussion.

There are several examples of data transfer actions illustrated in this Help system. The major discussion is included in the folder Example data transfer which includes Example CSV source, Example JDBC target and Example JDBC mapping.  In addition there are two examples in  How to provide a web service, see 4. Create the DTA for request and 5. Create the DTA for response as well as 4. Create the DTA in How to consume a web service.  Other examples are provided Telnet application data transfer.

Related topics include Actions overview, Action types, Data transfer action properties, New data transfer, Data source overview, Example CSV source, Example JDBC target, Example JDBC mapping, Telnet application data transfer