Example JDBC mapping

In our example we create a mapping from a CSV text file, source of the data transfer, to the target JDBC data source, see Example CSV source and Example JDBC target for details. The last step in defining the Data transfer action (DTA) is to create a mapping between these data sources, and this will now be discussed.  

The JDBC data source provides generic access to all commonly available databases and may be either a source or target of a data transfer action, see JDBC data source overview. During a mapping source tables and columns are transformed into target tables and columns and you may synchronize new data with existing data in a target data source, using the Select / Update procedures. In addition in JDBC data sources we must deal with generated unique keys and foreign keys when creating records in the target database when the target data source does not automatically generate keys on insertion.  We have these options: 

getKeyFromQuery- returns a value from an SQL query.
- returns a value from a predefined key generation table. It requires the user to specify what the table name is and what the column names are.
- specifies that the key will be generated by the database on insertion.
- specifies that the key will be generated by asking for the maximum key already in the table and adding one.

These functions use data in the target database to generate a unique key for each new record of the specified entity that is inserted into the database.

In our present example, table OrderHeader contains the header details for each order, OrderLine contains order lines, and Product_Lookup is assumed to be a lookup table to find product descriptions from a product code.

We will create mappings from source to target data sources using the Mapping tab, in some cases simply dragging source fields to target fields, and in other cases using the Calculator to introduce additional calculations, lookups etc. Here is an illustration of the Mapping panel that sets the target calculations:

On the left is the CSV file data entity with fields expanded. On the right is the JDBC target of the transfer, with the calculations showing how the database is to be created.  

In some cases a field in the source has been simply dragged to the field in the target.  For example field OrderNum in the New entity in the Source data source on the left, has simply been dragged to field OrderNumber of entity OrderHeader on the right, creating a simple field mapping. Similarly source fields Customer, ProductCode, Qty, Price, UOM have been dragged to the column headings CustomerAccount, ProductCode, Quantity, UnitPrice on the right, creating more simple field mappings.

 In other cases however the target column has been selected on the Mapping screen, then the Calculator button pressed to give access to the source and target fields, functions, operators and other resources from the in-built Calculator, use these links to find out more. In fact the illustrated mapping uses a number of different techniques to populate data in the destination database:

After executing the data transfer above, the resulting database data would be generated from the source CSV file above, as shown by the following SQL queries:


Related topics include Example CSV source, Example JDBC target, Data transfers overview, Mapping, Key generator functions, Grouping, Select / Update criteria, Calculations overview