Data transfer action properties

The Properties tab is discussed below, use these links for the Events tab and Mapping tab.

Data transfers actions (DTAs) involve mapping data from one structure to another and are therefore fundamental to integration tasks. Properties of data transfer actions include the names and properties of both the source data source and the target data source of the transfer, as well as the Mappings that define the relation between these data sources, see Data transfers overview and Data source overview for more. Here is an illustration of a DTA properties window with properties already entered (see 4.create DTA for request from How to provide a web service for more details on this example):

 Data transfer action properties screen

See Action properties for details on how to get to this window, details on the icons at the top of the screen, on the Name and description fields, status bar and Events tab, all of which apply to all actions.

A large amount of information is needed to define a data transfer. You can view, enter or alter properties of the data transfer, and also access properties of the source data source, target data source, the filter if any that is used to select data from the source during the transfer. In addition you can view, enter or alter the mappings between entities and fields in the source to the entities and fields in the target data source which is at the heart of the data transfer. Other headings include

Source and Target data source information can be viewed or altered from the data transfer action properties screen. For each data source you will be able to set or view:

Filtering of data is determined at the bottom of the screen, i.e. your entries here determine which data in the source is to be mapped to the target data source. You have the options:

The Mapping tab card is where you determine the relations between the source and target entities and fields in the data transfer, see Mapping for more, or Example JDBC mapping for an illustrated discussion of a DTA, including mapping.

Related topics include Data transfers overview, Action properties, Action events, New data transfer, Mappings, Example JDBC mapping, How to provide a web service