Integration tasks are simplified by grouping resources into projects and then allowing them to be shared within and between projects. For example even when a data source is used many times within a project only a single copy of the data source is required in that project. Within a project changes such as login parameters to a mail server for example or user passwords to access a database, need only be made in one place.
Projects will correspond to specific integration tasks and group integration
resources needed to execute these tasks. Expand an individual project
under the Projects node
in Explorer by
pressing + next to the project name. This will list the main components
of the project in the Explorer tree. Expand any constituent list, for
example Data sources
by pressing + again. Components can
be copied from one project to another using drag
or copy and paste. In summary the primary components of a project
: Expand the actions list to see a list of all action
types available in the system, then expand a particular action type to
see instances in the project of this action type in the Details pane.
Right click an action type in Explorer tree to create a new action of
this type in the project. Right-click an action instance to alter the
properties of this action, or to execute, schedule, generate a report,
or view events associated with this action. See Actions
overview and Project
action menu
sources : Expand the list in the Explorer tree to
display a list of all the data source types, and select a type to list
all instances of this data sources type in the project, displayed in the
Details pane. Select a data source instance in this list to bring up the
right click menu which for example lets you access the data source properties,
see Data source overview.
monitoring : Actions and activities can be developed
and tested within a project, but to be deployed to a production server
they will usually be associated to 'specified events' which trigger their
execution. See Events overview.
Different kinds of events can trigger actions and workflow activities.
These event types correspond to the Event Monitors held under a host's
Event Monitoring node. For instance, common event specifiers are receipt
of a file in a specified directory (File Monitor) or an email matching
defined criteria (Mail Event Monitor). Events can also be triggered by
a time Scheduler. See Event
monitor overview for links and discussion of the event types supported.
variables: It
can be convenient to define variables and then use them throughout a project.
This process enhances the system's capabilities by initializing global
variables to a specific value before they are used in an activity. You
can also use global variables as a data source type, see Global
variables overview, Global variable
summary, Global
variable data source. When a project is copied its global variables
are copied as well.
services : are modular, self-describing applications
which are fast becoming a standard means of sending and receiving information
over distributed networks. The system allows the use and publication of
web services which can be incorporated into workflow activities and are
defined as part of a project, see Web
services overview for more.
Select and right-click a node in the tree to access the right-click menu for this element, for example you can create a new artifact or view or edit properties, see New data transfer or Action properties for examples.
Related topics include Workspace, Concepts overview, Hosts overview, Actions overview, Data source overview, Events overview, Project properties