Global variable summary

Below is a list of the system global variables already set up in your system and available to all projects, along with their descriptions.

_ACTIVITYACTION_ - sets name of current action being executed. This variable ignores non-action nodes such as decision nodes, loops or retry nodes - if the current action is one of these non-action nodes then the variable is set to empty string.

_ACTIVITYLASTEXCEPTION_ - sets text of last exception generated.

_ACTIVITYLOOPCOUNT_ sets the counter for the loop node in the workflow panel. It contains the amount of loops that are executed.

_ACTIVITYPREVIOUSACTION_ - sets name of previous action executed within an activity.  On the first action this variable is initialized to empty string. This variable ignores non-action nodes such as decision nodes, loops or retry nodes - if the current action is one of these, and is preceded by one of these non-action nodes, then this variable remains at its previous value, i.e. it remains at the name of the last action executed.

_AS400MSGLIST_  - Python list of AS400 message queue from AS400 Command Line action.

_CMDLINEERR_ - 'error’ stream from Command Line action.  

_CMDLINEOUT_ - ‘standard’ stream from Command Line action.  

_COMERRORLINENUMBER_ in a case of error in a COM Action, this variable contains the line number which has forced the error.

_DTAEXTERNALFILTER_ - used to pass in external activity filter from Web Service Event Specifier.  

_DTARECCOUNT_ - counts records from a data transfer action

_FILECOPYFILES_ - Jython pylist of files copied from File Copy Move action.

_POP3CNT_ - iteration number for POP3

_POP3FILES_ - list of downloaded attachments with file paths from POP3 action

_POP3MSG_ - text content of POP3 message

_POP3MSGFILE_ - path name of the POP3 message file

_POP3RAW_ - filename of raw POP3 message

_SOAPFAULTTEXT_ - used to hold text for a SOAP Fault, normally within the context of Web Service event specifier.

_SOURCEDATAFILE_ - used for Data Transfer Action source filename variable; used in POP3 action to set path of 1st attachment; set by JMS, File, & FTP Monitors.  

_TARGETDATAFILE_ - used for Data Transfer Action target filename variable.  

_XMLVALERRORS_ - Python list of errors from XML validation action.  Replaces _XMLERRORS_

ITERATOR - default global variable set by the Iterator action.  Modifiable from the Iterator action properties panel.  As ITERATOR is not pre-seeded, it does not follow the standardized naming convention of underscores.  

WEBSVCNAMESPACE - used internally during runtime by the SOAP message parser in the context of a web service

WEBSVCNAMESPACEPREFIX - used internally during runtime by the SOAP message parser in the context of a web service

Related topics include Global variables overview, New global variable, Global variables data source